During a training session this morning, I was asked; " How to change the default search engine within Internet Explorer?" At first I thought this must be easy, Tools>Internet Options and so on, but it took a little searching to find out where Internet Explorer hides/buries the ability to change the default search provider (Bing). It's easy if you know where to look and what to click on. I use Google for searching, find your favorite and set it as the default with the steps below. Kudos to those attending my training session today, for a great question and for working together to find out the solution. It is true when people work together anything is possible.
1. Launch Internet Explorer, click on Tools, and select Internet Options.
2. Within the Internet Options dialog box, from the General tab, and within the Search section click on Settings.
3. Within the Manage Add-ons dialog box with Search Providers selected, click on Find more search providers... at the bottom of the dialog box.
4. Internet Explorer will display a selection of Search Providers, if the search provider you are looking for doesn't appear use the search feature to locate; i.e., Google.
5. Click on the search provider link, from the Internet Explorer Gallery Add-ons web page, click on Click to Install and from the Add Search Provider dialog box click on Add.
6. From Internet Explorer, click on Tools, and select Internet Options.
7. Within the Internet Options dialog box, from the General tab, and within the Search section click on Settings.
8. Within the Manage Add-ons dialog box with Search Providers selected you will see the new Search Provider (Google) listed, select it, and click on Set as default.
9. Click on Close and OK.